Friday Favs
Week 3

I thought it would be cool to do a Friday favorites series! Every Friday I’ll let you guys know what I’m loving that week.
I thought this would be a good way to get to know each other!
I’d love to hear what you’re loving this week as well! Share in the comments section below!
Here are my Favs this week
50 degree weather-Earlier this week we had a 50 degree day which was kind of crazy considering last week we were at -50. Mother Nature is crazy these days! The warmer weather was so nice! I got the pups out for a nice long walk.
Breakfast with a future bride– Hanging out with my couples and my brides is on my top favorite things do list! I like to meet up a couple of times before the wedding day to chat about how planning is going and to get an idea of what the wedding day will look like! Its nice to chat about things other then the wedding too! The best part of my job is the friendships I’m making!
Education– I just recently invested in a year long business course with one of my favorite wedding photographers, Katelyn James. Though, I’ve never met Katelyn in person, I absolutely adore her, she’s so inspiring. I’m so excited to learn from her and then pass that on to my clients!
Hunter Boots–It’s been rainy….
My bridal Guide- I’ve been working on a bridal guide for my brides. The bridal guide is a guide that will hopefully help when planning the wedding and let the bride and groom know what to expect. It’s full of info. Anyway, I’ve been working on it and this week printed a short version of it and FELL. IN. LOVE. I can’t wait to finish it up and share it with all of my future brides!
That’s it for this week!
Tell me what you’re loving this week below in the comments!
See ya next week!
I love this post!
Thanks Kelli!