Friday Favs
Week 2

I thought it would be cool to do a Friday favorites series! Every Friday I’ll let you guys know what I’m loving that week.
I thought this would be a good way to get to know each other!
I’d love to hear what you’re loving this week as well! Share in the comments section below!
Here are my Favs this week
1. Ice– Seriously, I’ve been suffering from carpel tunnel and ice has helped tremendously! Literally, like 3 minutes on my wrist and the swelling disappears. I have an appointment this month with an orthopedic surgeon, I’m hoping they can get me into surgery ASAP!
2. Matcha Green Tea– I’m trying to turn over a new leaf and change some of my eating and drinking habits. I usually drink 2 or more yeti mugs full of coffee. I’ll admit….it’s loaded with a powdered creamer, a liquid creamer and a lot of sugar. I’ve started only drinking one cup of coffee in the morning and switching my afternoon coffee out with Matcha green tea and I only drink it with water, plain. It’s not coffee but it’s been dong a nice job of giving me something warm to sip on while I edit and return emails. It helps get me through that afternoon slump.
3. A warm house– Sometimes we all take the little things for granted. Wednesday the temp was -50. -50 people. WTF!? It definitely made me thankful for my house and heat. There’s no way I couldn’t include that on my list this week.
4. My guy!–I know, I know! Chris was on my list for last week too. How many time do you have to read about my sappy love life!? LOL! For real though, Saturday is his birthday so I had to put him on the list this week too! This guys just keeps getting better with age.
5. Snow days- This week the kids had 3 days off of school. While I have to admit I do like my alone time at home. I do love having them home. It’s nice to spend that extra time together. Riley will 16 this May, I gotta spend as much time with him as I can. 🙂
Tell me what you’re loving this week below in the comments!
Talk to you soon!